Ian MacFarlanePresident and CEO of EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc., PBC

    Mr. MacFarlane is the President and CEO of EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc., PBC, an environmental consulting services firm serving government, the private sector, and institutions, with 25 offices nationwide, approximately 500 employees, and revenues greater than $100M, headquartered in Baltimore County, Maryland. He has over 35 years of experience in the environmental and engineering consulting fields, beginning his consulting career with a traditional civil engineering firm doing field work associated with geotechnical, landfill, and major transportation construction projects, as well as FEMA flood plain mapping. He has been with EA since 1985, working his way through the ranks from a field geologist to his appointment as president in 2004, then CEO in 2005. His principal technical expertise is in applying scientific and engineering know-how to complex environmental problems for commercial and government clients with multiple stakeholders, primarily in remediation of sites with chemical contaminants impacting human health and the environment, the restoration and development of natural and water resources, and the construction of environmental facilities and infrastructure. He has presented or authored over 100 papers (some can be found here) for professional societies on a myriad of technical, management, and regulatory subjects. The 1990s were a formative point in his career when he managed several million dollars of client- sponsored university research on remediation and treatment technologies performed by environmental engineering departments of Johns Hopkins, Carnegie Mellon, MIT, the University of Washington, Clarkson, the University of Wyoming, and the Colorado School of Mines. Mr. MacFarlane soon after became EA’s National Technical Director of Site Characterization and Remediation Services. Prior to his appointment as president, Mr. MacFarlane led EA’s Mid-Atlantic region, EA’s largest operation at the time. During that period, he was instrumental in re-engineering virtually all of EA’s internal financial, project management, cash management, proposal, and risk control systems.
    Mr. MacFarlane led EA, once a public company, through an ownership transition in 2005 from its founder to employee ownership by an ESOP and management investors. Further, in 2014, he led EA’s ownership conversion to 100% ESOP and adoption as a Public Benefit Corporation (PBC) under Delaware corporate law. Enterprise initiatives personally led by Mr. MacFarlane in the past decade include articulation of EA’s vision and core ideology, development of comprehensive long-range strategic plans, implementation of a top-down driven, nationwide college recruiting program and graduate fellowship program, and creation of an internal learning and training academy, as well as a sustainability program in 2008. More recently, he has implemented efforts to more fully develop EA’s talent management strategy, service quality, leadership, and branding to further align the firm’s human capital, culture, mission, and differentiation, as well as to promote the company’s interdisciplinarity, collaboration, and employee engagement. He is now working with two separate academic researchers who are studying EA’s stakeholder model (PBC & ESOP) with respect to organizational accountability, identity, stakeholder orientation, and servant leadership. Mr. MacFarlane has six direct reports as corporate department directors, a client programs director, and a chief of operations. He resides in Baltimore City with his wife and family.
     B.S., Geology, Denison University, 1979.
     M.S.E., Management of Technology, University of Pennsylvania, 2003. (Penn Engineering & the Wharton
     Executive education courses in strategy and leadership at Wharton and Harvard Business School.
     Johns Hopkins University, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering (formerly Geography and Environmental Engineering)
     EPA Center for Haz. Substances in Urban Environments, Scientific Advisory Comm., 2002-2006.
     JHU/Jensen Fellowship Sponsor, 2006-present. (A fully-funded scholarship and internship
    program for professional masters students. Click here for description.)
     DepartmentAdvisoryCommitteemember,2012-present.
     Water For People (nonprofit organization dedicated to water supply and sanitation for “Everyone Forever”)  LeadershipCouncilmember,2016-present.
     Roland Park Civic League (1,100-home, historic community association in Baltimore City)
     BoardMember,2005-2011and2012-present;President,2010-2011&2016-2017.
     FinanceCommitteemember,2016-present.
     Greater Roland Park Master Plan, Infrastructure Committee Chair, 2009-2014.
     BaltimoreBroadbandCoalitionliaison,2014-2016.
     Maryland Higher Education Commission (a Maryland State agency), appointed as a Commissioner in March
    2012 to fill an unexpired term from 2008. His term expires in March 2018.
     Maryland Ready (State Plan), Economic Growth and Vitality Group, Commissioner Co-chair,
    2012-2013; Innovation in Higher Education Research & Development Group member, 2017.
     PerformanceBasedFundingSubcommittee,CommissionerChair,2012-2015.
     Agencystrategydevelopmentworkgroup,CommissionerCo-lead,2015.
     Finance&OperationsCommittee,Chair,2016-present.
     Taiwan-Maryland Higher Education collaboration, led State delegation to the 2014 Taiwan-Md.
    conference (Kaohsiung).
     “Evolving Ethically into the Anthropocene: Geoscience and the ‘Benefit Corporation’ to Promote Sustainability Progress,” (accepted) Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, October 2017.
     “Why EA became a legal ‘Benefit Corporation’,” panel presentation at the annual International Association of Business and Society in a session on Research and Teaching of Benefit Corporations, June 2017.
     “A Case on Adopting ‘Constitutionally-Obligating’ Structures for Organizational Development,” invited presentation at the annual Beyster Symposium in a session on Conscious Capitalism, June 2017.
     “Is Benefit Corporation Adoption Right for My Company?” National Center for Employee Ownership annual conference, April 2017.
     “The ‘Benefit Corporation’: A Governance Tool to Enhance ‘Giving Back’,” National Center for Employee Ownership annual conference, April 2016.
     “An overview of STEM economic and higher education issues pertaining to Maryland,” keynote speech at the 2014 Taiwan-Maryland Higher Education conference, June 2014.